Our Story

The inspiration for the MITZEEZ shield came from a nurse who loved eating at their hospital cafeteria and wanted the same standards of safety practiced throughout the rest of the hospital extended to their favorite place, the salad bar.

And the reason was simple, common hand sanitizers do not protect from pathogens on shared surfaces – one of the most serious concerns that hospitals and other facilities share. For that, you need barrier proof protection.

The problem with gloves? Way too cumbersome.

Using non-sterile hands to put on clean gloves, without contaminating them in the process, is ridiculously tricky. So we developed a better way.

Single handed and as simple as 1, 2, 3.

Slip hand in

Serve yourself

Shake off to recycle

Then feel good knowing you are contributing to a culture of courtesy and responsible public health behavior.

We look forward to seeing you out there at your favorite places. Living, laughing, loving and eating - and making self-serve safer, one MITZEEZ at a time.